

It's official: BENEATH now contains DUDES.

Oh shit here comes one now!


That's what I've been working on... I scripted in some opening sequences and an assassin encounter. I also continuously mess with the geometry (tweaked the banisters, added a vaulted ceiling) and the lighting. Now to move deeper into the facility and lay down some soldiers. Watch for it here.




Why hasn't this blog been frequently updated of late?

  • The actual environments of Beneath are more or less final at this point, so screenshots aren't too new or exciting right now
  • I've been scripting in sound, music, and enemy encounters which, again, don't photograph well
  • I haven't been seeing/reading/playing a lot of cool stuff lately to talk about
  • Haven't been having many Big Thoughts about game design that bear repeating
Before long, I'll have screenshots of all the enemy encounters actually occuring in BENEATH, and then not far after, the actual map will be released. I should also write up my thoughts on Blood Money for real, soon. Hell, I should probably do the Blood Money stuff today.. servers are going wild at work this afternoon anyway.

Won't be long now.




I'm back from a trip to Portland, and I've finished Blood Money, and I swear this blog will resume normal operation shortly. I really want to get back to work.




Alright, I borrowed a video card from work, got the editor reinstalled, and I'm completely ready to roll again. I also just finished Blood Money the other night, so that's out of the way too... after one more playthrough, I think.

Keep an eye here for new updates on BENEATH soon.




Update on BENEATH's progress since my last post:

None :-(

While switching up my hardware in preparation for a system upgrade, I ended up reinstalling Windows. This screwed up my copy of the FEAR toolkit, and attempting to reinstall only screwed it up further. I formatted the drive and reinstalled Windows again, but now attempting to install the FEAR SDK (again) returns an error message. I don't know what's going on. I'm attempting to download all the FEAR patches and SDK versions (again) in hopes that I'll be able to get WorldEdit working (again) ASAP. For the time being, I don't have access to my map. It's getting irritating.

I've also been playing Hitman: Blood Money. I think I'm fairly close to the end now. I'm lovin' it. After about four solid years of disappointing, lackluster Hitman sequels that failed to live up to the original game, they finally rediscovered what makes the series great. The Mardi Gras level is awesome, as anticipated. The experience of simply being in the crowd isn't that mindblowing, but the mission entails actively tracking a couple of different people through the crowd, which is something I've never played out in a game before. Trying to keep track of your mark's bobbing head as he weaves through the dense crowd in the middle of the night is really intense and engaging. Blood Money is awesome.

Between finishing that up and getting my damn level editor running again, I hope to be making more progress on BENEATH very soon.