Oh my, some ominously light-spilling doorways have been added to the map, I wonder to where they lead.

To the subterranean bunker level perhaps??

The nice thing is that the bunker area is essentially finished at this point. It could probably use a bit more sprucing up in the hallways, and I'm having performance dips in a couple of spots, but it's essentially finished. Also it's coming out darker than I'd like so I'm going to tweak that. But beyond general polish, all areas of the map are now basically finished. I have almost another week til GDC and almost a month til the map is due for the contest, so I think I'm going to add one more area-- a large, open lab/research area with a variety of obstacles in it, down below the bunker level. It shouldn't be too hard to build, and I don't think the map will really be complete without it. So look out for that soon.
Edit: I just tweaked the lighting and these shots of the bunker are already outdated! Guess I'll update this post soon.
Edit: I just tweaked the lighting and these shots of the bunker are already outdated! Guess I'll update this post soon.
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